Welcome to my new personal website and blog! It has been rebuilt with Jekyll to provide greater ease for updates to both page content and blog posts. Hopefully making blog-writing easier for me to do will encourage me to blog more, as that is something I would like to be able to do. My issue with blogging has always been a lack of inspiration for topics to write about.

To help figure this out, I am going to spend some time deciding what I should blog about. I have a few ideas right now: the music I’m planning on writing and my other musical interests, my interests and activities in retro computing and retro gaming, what I am currently playing/game reviews, and personal programming projects. My hope is that between all this, I will have something interest to say at least once a week. There are no comments on this blog (at least for now), but if you have some suggestions for blogging topics, let me know on twitter: @link9313.