Understanding User Perceptions of Trust for Proseeds, Inc.

We produced an academic paper as a study of user perceptions of trustworthiness in websites. A literature review was used to inform the building of various prototypes for a usability study. We then measured perceptions of trustworthiness of Proseeds, Inc.’s website at the UNO CAB Lab. The results of the study informed a recommendation of changes for Proseeds, Inc., as well as an academic paper. I also produced a video summarizing the study and its findings for the stakeholder, Proseeds, Inc. Unfortunately, seperate from the study, Proseeds, Inc. made the decision to close operations.

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Comparing Cities Within and Without the United States National Music Scene

I conducted social media analysis to create a network graph of music fans on Facebook in Omaha, Nebraska and in Austin, Texas. I then performed analyses to draw conclusions about characteristics of the people within these networks.

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Peer to Peer: Challenging Extremism Competition

As an honor’s student, I took part in a competition called the Peer to Peer: Challenging Extremism Competition, sponsored by The Department of Homeland Security and EdVenture Partners. In the competition, we created an Internet campaign to emotionally appeal to groups and individuals hostile to refugees, highlighting their humanity and desire to work for a better life in the United States. We called it The Refugee Perspective. As a part of this project, I worked on a small study of 25 participants from the College of Business Administration in the Commerce and Applied Behavioral Lab in November 2016. This was conducted to gauge the impact videos and advertisements had on perceptions of refugees to provide quantitative and qualitative impact metrics for our presentation. We participated in the finals competition in Washington, D.C. on February 2nd, 2017, and received fourth place.

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The papers contained here are school works only, not published papers, and do not represent the university or its staff.